Some of my Favorite Books on Drawing:
Because I am a self taught artist, I've attended a few workshops but books on drawing were my main source of learning, and I still refer to them yet today. Over the years I have managed to build quite a library. These are great references whether you are Just beginning to draw or have been drawing for years. When possible, I've included a link to BOOK REVIEWS or PREVIEWS.
Books by authors who's work I personally admire...
Drawing Line to Mike Sibley
Drawing Realistic Textures in J.D. Hillberry
Advanced Drawing Matti Kataja
Beautiful Diane Wright
Good basic drawing knowledge...
The Drawing Sarah Simblet
Pencil Magic, landscape Phil Metzger
Drawing Albany Wieseman
Keys to Bert Dodson
Keys to Drawing with Bert Dodson
The New Drawing on the Right Side of Your Brain Betty Edwards
Drawing the portrait...
Painting and Drawing John Norton
Drawing Expressive Portraits...Paul Leveille
Life Drawing in Douglas R Graves
Drawing People, how to portray the clothed figure Barbara Bradley
More Advanced Books...
Learning to Draw, a Creative Robert Kaupelis
Experimental Robert Kaupelis
A collection of George B. Bridgman's Books...
Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing From Life
Heads, Features, and Faces
The Book of a Hundred Hands
Drawing the Draped Figure
As I find new books that are worthy of a place on my list I will update this page
PS...make a "Point"...leave a comment
Monday, December 24, 2007
Books about Drawing from My Library
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Watercolor Books from My Library
Some of my Favorite Books on Watercolor:
This is no doubt my second love...I don't show any of my watercolors but my daughter has them hanging in her home. These are some of my favorite books on the shelf. Since you know me as a pencil artist, I am sure you expect to see books with watercolor paintings exhibiting lots of realistic detail...I think you will be quite surprised. Links provided for REVIEWS.
*These are good for the beginning watercolorist...
Drawing and Painting John Raynes
Watercolor Planning and Alan Oliver
Watercolor..Simple, Fast, and Mel Stabin
*Watercolor Books that I refer to again an again...
Painting People in Alex Powers
The Figure in Mel Stabin
Painting the Unposed Figure in Ballestar and Sanmiguel
Paint Watercolors Filled With Life and Arne Westerman
Making Color Jeanne Dobie
Interpreting the Figure in Don Andrews
Painting Watercolor Portraits That Jan Kunz
Transparent Watercolor Jim Kosvanec
Painting Watercolor Al Stine
*A Collection of Charles Reid's books on Watercolor...
Painting What You Charles Reid
The Natural Way to Charles Reid
Portrait Painting in Charles Reid
Painting Flowers in Charles Reid
I hope you have found the resources listed here helpful and informative.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Blogging for Beginners... what is a blog?
So...What is a Blog anyway?
A Blog is a Type of Website:
After I started my blog, I started telling my customers and friends about it. I soon discovered that many didn't have a clue about what I was talking about...they had no idea what a blog was. Darren Rowse, in his article, "What is a Blog", says it like this..."A blog is a type of website that is usually arranged in chronological order from the most recent 'post' (or entry) at the top of the main page to the older entries towards the bottom". Just for reference, you might like to take a look at these blogs. They are each quite different, yet all are aimed at the same audience..."The Artist."
Four Examples of an Artist Blog:
1. My Studio Blog...I am going to start with one of my own Blogs. If you'll recall from the previous article, I have a blog that is integrated into my website and powered by FineArtStudioOnLine. This blog is listed as one of my web site categories on the lower left side of the page. When you click on "My Studio Journal", a blog page opens on my website. On the left side of the page, between the Categories for my website (at the top) and the TOPICS list for my blog (further down the page), you will see an orange RSS feed icon (which we will discuss later), and icons for My Yahoo and Google, (used to add my blog to your favorites)...and then the Archives for my past blog entries. Each blog entry includes at the bottom of the page a list of topics for further reading and an opportunity to leave your comments.
I also have a second blog, the one you are reading in now...called "The Extraordinary Pencil". This blog is powered by Google Blogger and is more full featured than the one provided with my site. In fact, I am still trying to transfer some of my if you see duplication between the two sites, that is the reason.
2. Karen Hargett's Fine Art Journal...Karen's Blog is listed on her website as "My Art Journal". Although this is another example of an integrated blog, this one is powered by Google Blogger...signified by the large orange 'B' found in the upper left hand corner of the page. As you look at other blogs you will see many different styles of "Blogger" blogs, most are free standing. I like the style of Blogger. Karen has kept hers clean and's easy on the eye and user friendly. You see a short biography, a list of her other websites, and an archive of past articles on the left. Her articles for the current month are well presented and easy to read...with each containing an area for your comments.
3. Jana's Journal and Sketch Blog...The art blog of Jana Bouc is a stand-alone blog. It is well organized with everything you're looking for on the right side. You will notice that she includes a short biography, her main website link, recent posts an archives...further down the page you see interesting reads, links (to her other sites), Flicker Photos, and her category list. As with Karen's blog, mentioned above, Jana has kept her blog clean, uncluttered, and concise...showing off her art work to it's best advantage. Her images are nice and large and her articles easy on the eye. Jana's blog is powered by Word Press. I'm not usually fond of the layouts that I see when people use Word Press...however, this is really quite nice, I may have to change my mind.
4. Making A an example of a stand-alone blog by Blogger. Making A Mark is the brain child of Katherine Tyrrell...and is packed with information for artists. Katherine writes about making marks with pastels, pencils, and pen and ink. She discusses the development of both artwork and art careers. You will find interviews with artists and information about resources for both artist and art lovers. This is a jam packed blog...yet I find my self wanting to read it all because everything is relevant to what I am doing and I return again and again, to soak up the information she so freely gives. THIS IS THE SECRET OF A GREAT BLOG...she updates regularly with fresh, pertinent, useful information. In fact, Katherine has a new lens on SQUIDOO called "Blogging for Artists" that I highly recommend.
OK...Let's see how you did...If you checked out the blogs listed above, you should have learned at least two things;
First...that there are basically two types of blogs, website blogs, which I referred to as integrated or dedicated...and stand-alone blogs, which function outside the parameters of your website.
Second...that blogs, although containing the same basics, (current posts, main categories list, and archives), can be expanded using additional specialized category sections and "add ons" them your own personal signature.
NOTE: "So...What's a Blog Anyway?" is the second in a series about basic blogging. I hope you found the information useful, please check back for more about Blogging for Beginners.
Marsha Robinett Fine
My Squidoo...drawing techniques
My Website Hosting Service:
Fine Art Studio Online...Easy Artist Websites
FASO requires No Technical Knowledge and offers
Positively Remarkable 24/7 Artist Support!
*Sign-Up...using this link or use the code (3209) and
extend your FREE TRIAL period to 90 days.
PS...make a "Point" a comment
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Blogging for Beginners... knowledge is power
Lack of Knowledge: equals lack of direction...
I am new to blogging myself, and I will be the first to admit that I began blogging without knowing nearly enough . The one thing that I did do was to look at some of the different blogs that other artists were using. I was more interested in the general layout of the page, what information they included on their page besides their main article, and how easy it was to read...I didn't bother to learn how a blog functioned, and didn't give a lot of thought to what I wanted to accomplish with my blog except that I wanted to promote my art.
What I learned was that I had two options...
I could use the Blog provided with my website or sign up and develop on my own one of the many "free standing blogs" that are out there such as Blogger and Wordpress. My first option...the blog provided with my site was still being developed and didn't offer all the options that the "free standing" blogs did...but I was familiar with the layout and I understood how to work with the pages. It complimented my site and my experience with the Technical Support Team had been fantastic. My second option...was to use one of the stand alone blogs...for me this was a frightening thought and I knew it was more than I was equipped to handle on my own. Since I know just enough about computers and the internet to cause permanent damage, I decided to use the integrated blog provided by my web hosting service, FineArtStudioOnLine. Their Technical Support Team was invaluable...but my blog still came close to failure because I did not properly researched the complete picture, nor had I set any goals. I ashamed to admit that I didn't even know that my blog entries would appear in reverse chronological order!
My Blogging History...
This is not something I am proud of...but it is out there for all to see, so I may as well admit to it and move on with the dedication and promise to do better! I started my blog in April of 2007 and made entries monthly through July. By July I was in the middle of my art fair season (my excuse) and because I had no goals for my blog (my reason) it simply dropped to the bottom of my priority list. I finished my 2007 show season with renewed enthusiasm and commitment for My Blog. I'm back and I'm ready to stay!
Knowledge is Power...
With my show season finished, I spent the next few weeks researching, researching, and doing more researching! According to Sir Francis Bacon..."knowledge is power." My research gave me knowledge, which gave me direction, which did indeed give me a since of power. I no longer felt incompetent...I knew what I wanted to say, (at least most of the time), I knew what I needed to do, and I had a plan. I started to seriously blog again in November 2007.
I am sharing this research knowledge with you, in the hopes that by alleviating some of your will also have the knowledge and confidence to enter this new fast growing blogging hemisphere. it is fun, it is exciting, and it makes you grow personally and professionally.
I hope you will check back to read additional articles..."Happy Blogging"
Marsha Robinett Fine
My Squidoo...drawing techniques
My Website Hosting Service:
Fine Art Studio Online...Easy Artist Websites
FASO requires No Technical Knowledge and offers
Positively Remarkable 24/7 Artist Support!
*Sign-Up...using this link or use the code (3209) and
extend your FREE TRIAL period to 90 days.
PS...make a "Point"...leave a comment
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Announcing 2008 Literary Contest Winners
The Extraordinary Pencil
"Sponsors High School Literary Contest"
I am pleased to announce the winners of "The Second Annual High School Literary Contest". It is always fascinating to see which pieces of art are chosen by the students and learn why they were inspired by the piece. As I have said before, there are two stories to be told...the one that inspired me, the artist, and the one that inspires the viewer.
First Place: Kelsey Dallas $50.00
Kelsey is a Senior at Lincoln Community High School and enjoys participating in soccer, tennis, and band...she is also a member of The National Honor Society, French Club, Fine Arts Club, and Scholastic Bowl. Kelsey is also active in her community as a member of the First Presbyterian Youth Group, LAMS, Community Orchestra, and the local staff of Dairy Queen. Kelsey was named the September Senior Student of the Month and was recently recognized as Scholar-Athlete of the Week by the Springfield State Journal Register. Kelsey hopes to someday be a writer after majoring in English in college.
Kelsey chose "Game, Set, Match" as the subject...because it related to her athletic life this fall. To quote Kelsey, "I was the number one player on the varsity tennis team and came just one set away from making it to state. By writing about this particular drawing I was able to heal emotionally after the heartbreaking loss. Tennis will always be beautiful to me no matter what my win/loss record is."
Second Place: Amanda Podbelsek $30.00
Amanda is a Senior at Lincoln Community High School and participates in girls tennis and softball...she is also a member of Math Club, National Honor society, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and L.E.A.F. Club. After her completion of the fall tennis season, she received recognition as part of the All-Academic Conference Award. Amanda also holds the record for the most steals in a season for the high school softball program.
Amanda chose "Cracked on Black" as her of my personal favorites. To quote Amanda, "I was immediately draw to the drawing because of the different textures and the dimension created by the tones of charcoal. When I first viewed the drawing, it actually made me feel calm and peaceful. However, I delved into the state of the egg yolk emerging into a new world and immediately made the connection to a Senior emerging into the world of adulthood."
Third Place: Matthew Merreighn $20.00
Matthew is a Junior at Lincoln Community High School and is a member of the Creative Writing Club. He enjoys writing, solving puzzles, reading, TV, and video games. Matthew will be graduating high school next year and is still undecided about his plans for college.
Matthew chose "Midnight Rose" as his subject...because he likes roses. To quote Matthew, "Midnight Rose was my favorite of your drawings. People usually like roses for their color, and seeing a gray one was unusual, I found this interesting."
I want to thank all who took time to enter the contest. I enjoyed reading all your poems and descriptive essays...the quality of the entries simply gets better each year...we will definitely do this again.
Kelsey's poem, and the descriptive essays of Amanda and Matthew will be published in their entirety next month. Be sure to check back, I think you will enjoy reading them,
Congratulations To The Winners,
Marsha Robinett
PS...make a "Point"...leave a comment
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Announcing...2008 Literary Contest
The Extraordinary Pencil
"Sponsors High School Literary Contest"
This is the second year that I have sponsored the literary contest at our local High School. The information was submitted to the students some time ago...with the contest closing before Thanksgiving. We did it earlier this year in order to avoid the end of the year activities. I would expect to be announcing the winners sometime in December and posting their poems and essays in January, along with a short biography about the author.
As before, High School students are ask to submit a Poem or Descriptive Essay, using one of my Pencil Drawings as their subject and inspiration. There are over fifty drawings on my website to choose from. The $100 in prize money will be divided between first, second, and third place winners.
My hopes are that through the writing process the student will develop a greater appreciation for fine art of all types, and learn to view an original drawing, a painting, or even a piece of sculpture with a questioning mind. Art always tells us a story. In fact I believe there are two stories to be told...the one that inspires the artist and the one that inspires the viewer.
I hope you will return to the "Young Authors" section of my blog often and read "the story behind" the image that inspired their poems and essays.
PS...make a "Point"...leave a comment.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
November Update:
The Show Season Ends...
I had a two day private showing of my work this past weekend in my home town...a nice way to finish my show season. It is always great to to come home for my last show. Everyone is glad to see me and anxious to hear how my art fairs went. It is more of a social time than a time to sell, however, I did book two commissions. I usually plan to work on a piece while I'm there...everyone seems to enjoy this, but I never get much actual drawing done. A special thanks to everyone who stopped in.
Off to New York: I am presently visiting my daughter and grandson in New York; I flew out on Monday and will be staying through Thanksgiving, flying back late the next week. I have been looking forward to this trip. My show season is long and I hate it that we see so little of each other. It is just hard having your children so far away. We are having a great time...going to celebrate Thanksgiving on Tuesday as my daughter, "the chef", has to work on the holiday.
When I return home I will be finishing my commissioned pieces for Christmas and after the holidays will start on some new works of my own. I have more ideas in my head than I will ever be able do get done...but excited none the less. Now that I am no longer traveling every weekend perhaps I can be more attentive to my blog. It has been neglected the last few months and I apologize for this.
Thanks so much for your encouragement and support,
PS...make a "Point" a comment.
Friday, November 2, 2007
New Additions to my Website
I have been hard at work since my last newsletter making some changes to my website. My art career has taken on a new life and I am really excited about the new direction that I am moving in. I have been preparing to approach galleries in some of the larger cities in my area, in hopes that they will carry some of my originals and possibly some of my Limited Editions and Artist Proofs. I still have to have slides made of some of my newer drawings, as they require you to jury in order to be accepted. Then I'm off to "peddle my wares". When you visit my site you will notice that there have been several changes made.
"About the Artist" has a new look...I have reorganized the information and eliminated some in order to hopefully make it easier to find what you are most interested in.
The "Commissions" category also has a new look... as with the some other areas, I have condensed and organized information in the hopes of making it more user friendly.
Under "About the Artwork", I have answered some of my most asked questions.
1. Open and Limited Editions...what is the difference?
2. What is an Artist Proof?
3. What is a Certificate of Authenticity?
4. What is a Remarque...will it increase the value of my print?
In my "Portfolio of Works," you will notice many changes also. After much thought I have closed out some of my Limited Editions. If you have purchased one of these closed out LE's...hang on to it. If I ever become another "Grandma Moses" it will be of great value! The premature closing of these editions make them a "very small and rare edition" indeed. Thus increasing their value. You will also notice that a few of my drawings are now offered in "Open Edition" prints....most are offered in two sizes.
**The "Regular Size OE" is similar in size to the original drawing.
**The "Large Size OE" is more in the 11x11 to 11x15 size range.
This Larger Open Edition has been the single most requested item by here it is, I hope you enjoy it. I am quite pleased with the quality and size of this new larger print. The price on both of the new Open Editions are considerably lower than my Limited Editions... making them more affordable for those of you who simply want to decorate your home. I do understand that not everyone is a collector!
I want to personally say thanks for all your support and encouragement as I've gone forward in this new career. You're simply the best.
PS...make a "Point" a comment.
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Print of the Month...update
This is the new "large Open Edition"...11x13
Free Shipping!!
A savings of $8.50 for US customers,
or $13.50 for orders shipped overseas.
This offer is good until midnight November 30, 2007
and is now exclusive to my "Email Newsgroup"
Starting in November the Print of the Month will be exclusive to my Email Newsgroup. Each month's newsletter will have a new print offering and as in the past you will be able to purchase it at a considerable savings. I may occasionally offer a Limited Edition, but for the most part the monthly print will be one of my new Open Editions. The "Print of the Month" will be available until the current month ends. I may even sometimes surprise you with a mid-month "tickler"...who knows.
I will still announce the current months print on my website, just to let them know what they are missing and encourage them to join the Newsletter Group...but those of you who are current members of my "Newsgroup" are the only ones who will be eligible to purchase.
Friday, July 20, 2007
2007 Literary Contest...1st
Learn more about the "Literary Contest"
Amanda Likes to read and is active in tennis, basketball, and softball. She is also a member of Math Club and The National Honor Society. Amanda plans to attend college after graduation and major in civil engineering with a minor in math.
Amanda chose "The Fork and Spoon Club" as her subject...which is one of my personal favorites. To quote Amanda, "My attention was first drawn to the two stubborn forks; they are the only pieces of silverware lying the opposite direction. As a high school student, the forks speak to me as a symbol of individuality."
Congratulations Amanda...Marsha Robinett
This is Amanda's essay...enjoy!
Students in high school have certain priorities: to have the right hair-do, to wear the name brand clothing, to follow in their sibling's flawless footsteps, and to have a date for prom. However, the main priority for most high school students is to feel accepted. One can accomplish this by being "cool", or hanging out with the popular people. Everyone goes along with one concept, one template: to be "cool" and do what is "cool". People become so committed to meeting their peer's standards and going with the flow, that they fail to even stop and question whether the decisions they are making are right. By doing what everyone else is doing, they forget to be self-reliant individuals. They no longer expresses who they really are, and in doing so do not express their individuality. Students should stop and reflect on whether they should make certain decisions just because "everyone else is doing it." By saying no to peer pressure and standing firm in one's true beliefs, one can feel proud and strong, and can say that he is a true individual.
From "The Fork and Spoon Club", one can be reminded that, "What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right." Stand up for yourself. Be self-reliant, even if it means being different. Remember that by caving in to peer pressure you are surrendering your individuality. And, most importantly, be true to yourself because, in the end, that is all that really matters.
PS...make a "Point"...leave a comment.
Amanda would love to know what you think of her essay.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
2007 Literary Contest...2nd
Second Place Winner: Michelle Koester
Learn More about the "Literary Contest"
Michelle is a 16 year old sophomore. She is involved in the Creative Writing Club and enjoys expressing herself through her poetry. Michelle wrote her poem using the drawing "Cracked on black" (pictured here) as her subject. for me, the artist, this drawing was all about shadows and reflections...for Michelle it was about "life" and just how fragile it can be.
Congratulations Michelle...Marsha Robinett
This is Michelle's poem...enjoy!
...Cracked on Black...
I am completely broken
There's no saving me now
If mom saw me like this
She would probably have a cow
Pestering me constantly
She'd keep on asking how
How did I end up this way
Seems like you were fine just yesterday
And look at you now
My surroundings remind me
Of my fragile past
And the way I've let myself go
I don't know how long I can last
I guess that you could say
The way I was living wasn't smart
Before I couldn't see the damage I was doing
But now I see that I let my world fall apart
I'm begging for your help
Please come and save me
Because without anyone to hold me together
I've become quite lazy
I thought that doing what I wanted
Would come at a small cost
But now my dreams of ever becoming something
Are the dreams that I have lost.
With your help though
I could get them back
Keep moving forward without strife
Make sure I'm staying on the right track
Soaking in serenity now that would be the life.
I'm ready to be better
Eagerly awaiting a day without stress
Thank you so much for helping me out
In finding total happiness and success.
PS...make a "Point"...leave a comment.
Be sure to let Mechelle know how her poem made you feel.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Announcing 2007 Literary Contest Winners
The Extraordinary Pencil
"Sponsors High School Literary Contest"
I am pleased to announce the winners of the "First Annual High School Literary Contest". It was interesting to see which of my drawings the students chose and how it stimulated their imaginations. In all cases the student was affected by the art in a way that I had never thought of. As I have said in the past, there are two stories to be told...the one that inspires the artist and the one that inspires the viewer. Every piece of art has many stories to tell if we simply stop long enough to observe.
First Place: Amanda Podbelsek $50.00
Amanda likes to read and is active in tennis, basketball, and softball. She is also a member of Math Club and the National Honor society. Amanda plans to attend college after graduation and major in civil engineering with a minor in math.
Amanda chose "The Fork and Spoon Club" as her subject...which is one of my personal favorites. To quote Amanda, "My attention was first drawn to the two stubborn forks; they are the only pieces of silverware lying the opposite direction. As a high school student, the forks speak to me as a symbol of individuality....From "The Fork and Spoon Club", one can be reminded that, "What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right."
Second Place: Michelle Koester $30.00
Michelle is a 16 year old sophomore. She is involved in the Creative Writing Club and enjoys expressing herself through her poetry.
Michelle's poem uses the drawing "Cracked on Black" as it's subject. For me, the artist, this drawing was all about shadows and reflections...for Michelle it was about "life" and just how fragile it can be. A quote from Michelle's poem.
" I am completely broken
There's no saving me now
If mom saw me like this
She would have a cow
Pestering me constantly
She'd keep on asking how
How did I end up this way
Seems like you were fine just yesterday
And look at you now."
Third Place: There was a third place winner chosen but I am sorry to say that it could not be awarded nor can her poem be posted because the recipient did not turn in the required signed release form.
I want to thank all who took the time in those last rushed days of the school year to enter the contest, and my congratulations to the winners...we will definitely do this again next year.
Amanda's descriptive essay and Michelle's poem will be published in their entirety next month. Be sure to check back, I think you will enjoy reading them.
Marsha Robinett
PS...make a "Point"...leave a comment
Friday, April 20, 2007
A "Point" to Consider
The drawing "Pencil Shavings" is a new work for 2007, and was created specifically as the signature piece for my blog.
We each make a the way we dress, in how we interact with others, with the things we speak and write, and yes, even with our art.
The Random House Dictionary defines "shavings" as..."the part left behind or the part that remains after the greater part is removed."
As we move through life, making our "point", we leave "shavings" of ourselves with each person with whom we interact. Be it negative or positive...we are molded by these interactions and enriched by what we receive.
So, you ask, "What is my point"? You are the reason for my writings and my art. You are what makes my blog work. It's not just "my drawings" and "my writings" that people come back to see...they also return to read "your comments". The sharing of opinions and information is what bloging is all about. Without your input, my blog becomes simply a collection of my thoughts.
This is just the beginning...I want my blog to be a fun, informative place to visit. My hope is that you will return often to see what new things have been added, view some of my latest drawings and learn what inspires me.
Right now I am feverishly preparing for my summer art fairs which begin the third week in May. At this late date, my focus is on finishing a couple of last minute drawings, getting everything framed and organized.
Take some time, browse my Website and my Blog,...come back in May to see alot more Art, the addition of some "Photography Tips", and to read the winning essays and poems of our "Young Authors".
Marsha Robinett
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Announcing the "First Annual Literary Contest"
The Extraordinary Pencil
High School students are ask to submit a Poem or Descriptive Essay...using one of my Pencil Drawings as their subject and inspiration. There are over forty drawings on my website now and as I finish my spring collection more will be added. The deadline for their entry is May 15, 2007. The contest will be presented to the students after Easter break. I would expect to be announcing winners on or before June 1. 2007.
There is $100 in prize money to be divided between the first, second, and third place winners. Their writings will be posted here on my blog with a short biography about the author.
My hopes are that through the writing process the student will develop a greater appreciation for fine art of all types, and learn to view an original drawing, a painting, or even a piece of sculpture with a questioning mind. Art always tells us a story. In fact I believe there are two stories to be told...the one that inspires the artist and the one that inspires the viewer.
I hope you will return to the "Young Authors" section of my blog often, and read "the story behind" the image that inspired their poems and essays.
PS...make a "Point"...leave a comment.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Email Newsletter Group... new membership gift
What You Need To Do:
1. Click this link to join my Newsletter Group.
2. Choose your free "mini print" from the photos shown below.
3. Send me an email...letting me know your print choice and mailing information.
Choose Your Free Print:
1. "Old Glory"
2. "Wine Country"
3. "Crab Apple Tea"
4. "Miss Mouse"
5. "Violin...serenade"
*Know This with Confidence:
Your personal information will never be shared with anyone.
1. A peek into my life as an artist.
2. Reports on exhibits and gallery shows.
3. Changes in my website.
4. The latest in studio news.
5. Exclusive "Print of the Month" Offerings: available only to you.
- Each month I showcase a different print. As a member of my Newsletter Group you will have the opportunity to purchase the "Print of the Month" at a special savings ...just my way of saying thanks for your encouragement and support.
*Remember...I can't send your welcome gift without your mailing information.
Website ...Marsha Robinett Fine Art
My Squidoo ...Drawing Techniques
PS...make a "Point"...leave a comment