Well, I'm heading out for another Art Fair Weekend. It seems like I just got home! When I have successive art fairs like this my body just doesn't have much time to recover before I head out again. I'm going to Danville, Illinois this weekend...my childhood stomping ground. It has never been great as sales go, but I have always received an award ($$) and enjoy visiting with family and friends that make it a point to look me up.Danville's Arts in the Park borderlines on a "festival" which is good for crafters but bad for artists. ( Photo was taken at the children's art tent...isn't she precious...so into her painting?)
The weather last year was not the best...it dumped several inches of rain on Saturday night and they had to put straw down on Sunday to combat the mud...this did however pretty much take care of the problem. We also had more rain again on Sunday but people still came out.
They have a continuous stage and talent show during the art fair each day...so parents and relatives come out to see the children perform. This is why it's called "Arts" in the park! The current forecast for the Danville area is again scattered thunder storms both days...so here I go packing again preparing for rain...but I usually am. It just isn't worth the risk to not be prepared. My brother who lives in Champaign, about 30 minuets away, is going to help me set up and I'll be going back to Champaign to spend the night...saving me the added expense of two nights in a hotel.
You can't tell from the second photo but Danville sets their tents up in a square (I'll try for a better photo this weekend). I personally think this is a terrible set-up. You have one side and the front open to the public...no where to put things you need access to and no where for you as the artist to sit, (discretely), without being in the customers face. I've always felt that when you sit where the customer enters, it can discourage some that would otherwise come in and browse. I usually sit in the back opening, where I can be seen and interact but not be obtrusive to the customer.
Back to my original groaning statement...these successive art fairs are exhausting, and I have another next week in Quincy, Ill. Then I have a couple of weeks at home. When I feel tired...this thought brings me peace. If all I had to do was my art, things would be much different. But I come home on Sunday night, late...Monday I unpack the van, replenish my prints, pick up my dog Alexis and do laundry. I work at my real job on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday...pack up the van "again" on Thursday evening , work for awhile on Friday and leave by 12:00 noon for the next art fair. No wonder I'm tired...it made me tired just reading this! My rational has always been..."this is only for a short time". Then there will be time to rest.
So I ask: How do you know when you are "just two busy"? Where do you find that extra surge of energy during stressful busy times? What are your tactics for time management?
The "Chat Line" is open...I'm not sure I'll have access to a computer over the weekend, so your comments may not be posted until Monday. Please feel free to comment on what others have to say.
Have a dry weekend and I'll give you an up-date Monday sometime...hopefully with photos.
Website ...Marsha Robinett Fine Art
My Squidoo ...Drawing Techniques
PS...make a "Point"...leave a comment
Hey Marsha I just wanted to say I hope you have a great show and sell, sell, sell. Send some of that rain down here - it's 100+ and no rain for quite a while now - the ground is cracking open and the grass is drying up.
I'll be anxious to hear when you get back how you did.
Karen, thanks for the encouragement...I'll be posting an update when I return.
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