
Saturday, July 4, 2009've seen the good, here's the bad

"Just a Shell...of what he used to be"

This is my painting from last weekend. I'm not happy at all and wasn't going to post it but figured failure is part of the process. Someday perhaps when I look back...this one photo will show me how far I came. How's that for a positive start to the day.

Drawing is easy and natural for me and was from the start. Watercolor just beats me up. I think I try to control it too much instead of letting it do it's thing.

Anyway, here it is. Off to a new painting for this weekend. Hopefully it will turn out better.

Have a great July 4th and many blessings.


Karen Hargett said...

Marsha I think you are too hard on yourself - your watercolor failure looks so much better than I could do. Keep on keeping on!

Marsha Robinett said...

Thank you for taking time to comment on my latest watercolor efforts. I have this 'vision' in my simply does not translate to the paper with any consistency yet.

Success is not without effort, so I trudge forward.

p said...

Uh i'm still trying to find the failure picture, can you please re-upload it? As for the shell, get on Cafepress and turn it into a tile coaster!

Jeanette Jobson said...

I agree that the shell isn't as bad as you think it is. I also understand how the vision in our heads doesn't always translate to paper for whatever reason, leaving us dissatisfied with what we see.

I have a drawer full of those pieces of disappointment.

Like you, drawing comes as second nature to me and I'm still trying to find my way back into painting which does, as you said 'beat me up' a lot. Its as if I see glimpses of the vision on canvas, but it is just out of reach.

Let's keep reaching, you know we'll get there. :)

Jan Pope said...

I understand what you're saying about watercolors. Like you, with me, drawing is not the problem, its using the watercolors. It seems so unnatural to me to plan for highlights and light areas in a piece. Maybe that's because I first learned to paint with oils. I have had some success with Derwent's Inktense pencils, mainly, I think, because they are opaque.

Marsha Robinett said...

You must be blind! Yet you do share good ideas.

Jeanette and Jan,
I know the shell is not a total disaster...yet it no where projects the 'vision' that was in my head.

It's nice to know others suffer from the same ailment! Guess we'll be struggling down this path together.

I will continue to post my paintings...both those that I like and those I deem failures.

Perhaps the journey will encourage others.

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