Alexis is 14 years old now...not quite as sure on her feet
but as sassy and opinionated as ever!
It seems like all I've been writing about this summer is my hectic schedule...and admittedly it has been more hectic than usual. In the middle of all the insanity there is one thing that I always make time for in my schedule and that is what I call "Me Time".
I'm just one of those "busy" people. I truly believe if I didn't have something to do, I would create "something to do"....I'm sure you know someone like this or perhaps you to are one of these people.
I've developed the habit over the years of sitting with my morning coffee, pad and pen in hand, and prioritizing my day. (Of coarse, by now, you know I have already prioritized my week!!) I will admit, reluctantly, that I rarely accomplish all I start out to do in any given my list always starts with a few "carry over" things.
The point I want to make is this...I always include some "Me Time" in each day...regardless of the length of my "to do" list or the importance of the things needing attention.
Pulling away from the things at hand and looking back gives you new perspective. Many times after a 20 min. walk or a trip to the park with Alexis...(this is her favorite thing to do). I will come back and have a totally new outlook on a commission piece.
I've been known to stop what I'm doing and pick a hand full of flowers from the garden...and yes, pull a few weeds while out there!! Sometimes I simply take a glass of tea and head to the sun porch and read for awhile...usually the Book of Psalms.
It's all to easy to become engrossed in the things at hand and become overwhelmed and defeated. It's fine to let your mind be occupied with other thoughts for clears the cobwebs and refreshes you new energy to go back to the task at hand. I've even been known to leave my studio and sit quietly...thinking about "nothing". Yes day dreaming is OK.
You know, you don't need permission to do this!!
So I ask: Do you work some "Me Time" into your day? What are your favorite things to do...just for you? When was the last time you took a day off and did nothing?
The "Chat Line" is open...I look forward to your comments and please feel free to comment on what others have to say. Remember...when you share, others are blessed.
Today I've scheduled a Manicure, something I never do for myself, a special treat. Enjoy the weekend...and something special for yourself!
Website ...Marsha Robinett Fine Art
My Squidoo ...Drawing Techniques
PS...make a "Point"...leave a comment
Hi Marsha,
Alexis is beautiful! I’m sure she is a great companion. I had to laugh when I read she is sassy. I have a Cairn terrier that I adopted several years ago and had at first named her Cricket because she is black – but soon changed her name when I kept saying to her “you are so sassy!”
Anyway, I got off track - me time. It is so important. I guard my personal time very carefully but with that said I don’t always give myself the time I need to rejuvenate and refresh every day.
You know with a couple of acres to take care of by myself, a house, a dog, cat and a horse, a full time job and my art it is sometimes hard to keep all those balls up in the air and gets overwhelming with “I need to do this, I have to take care of that and I just have the weekend to get this done.” It is often easy to set my time for myself aside until later. I’m getting better about it though. This rainy weekend is reminding me it might be kind of nice to sleep in, read a book or watch a movie and not worry about what needs to be done next or worse feel guilty because I didn’t get it all done.
I usually do lists for the weekend chores and it always feels good to cross them off but I think I’m going to take my lead from you and start adding a bit of “me time” to my list everyday.
What a great looking dog!! Your studio dog... Have you ever painted / drawn her?? I'll bet she's got a great personality, too.
Be well.
When I was working, I used to make lists and, as you do, carried over a lot of things.
Now that I'm retired, I occasionally do... But mostly just do what I feel like doing. I probably don't get as much done that way, but .. it's okay.
Every time I come through to cruise your site I'm amazed again at your pencil work. It's top notch. So when I had to pass along an award, I definately added you to the list. I hope you can participate!! Stop by my blog and pick it up and post the logo on your blog. Have a grand day!!
What a pretty puppy!
I started taking the bus to the gallery and back in late May. It's an express with no stops between the "Park and Ride" where I get on and my destination downtown, and generally takes 15-17 minutes. I pull my little journal out of my bag and in that 15 minutes I can think over my day and make a list of things left over from the day before and the new things that need to be done. I jot down how I spent the evening before, or what I did if I had a day off. On the way home I note what I accomplished and add what needs to be done at home. This has turned out to be a precious, enjoyable time of my day. I just wish it could involve my feet up on an ottoman and a cup of coffee, too!
You have quite a group of companions, I'm sure they all bring you joy and comfort. Like you, I have a busy life...I'd like to say I always get to my planned "me time", but the fact is I don't. However, I have found that when I "pencil" it in to my day it has a better chance of happening.
I'm jealous...perhaps someday I too will be able to say "I'm retired". But until then I will just have to pretend for a little while each day.
I'm glad you have enjoyed my blog and thanks for the award.
I read your blog regularly, and know how busy you are. I've marveled at the volume of work you produce. From what you wrote, it looks like you have successfully carved out your "Me Time" amidst your busy schedule. Fantastic.
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